Frequently Asked Questions
Need some tips and tricks on how to maintain your new Lang BBQ Smokers® smoker cooker? Check out the Tips and Caring Instructions page.
- Choosing a smoker cooker
- How to cook an 80lb pig
- Maintenance and spare parts questions
- Is there an option to use gas?
- Reverse Flow - why is it so terrific?
- Starting up the fire in your smoker cooker
- When firing up your Lang BBQ Smokers® Cooker...
- Why should I choose Lang BBQ Smokers®?
We are currently adding more FAQ's to this page. Please check back soon for further information.
Lang Blog The Lang BBQ Smokers® blog supplies additional FAQs and Q&As. If you are a member of wordpress you can comment on the blog. However if you don't have an account you can still view all of the blog posts.
Lang Facebook The Lang BBQ Smokers® facebook page is our most active community of Lang BBQ Smokers® fans. Get up to date news on events and new models. Everything from videos to photos are posted by us and our happy customers. Post a question to have us or the Lang BBQ Smokers® community to answer.
Contact Lang BBQ Smokers Contact Lang BBQ Smokers®, email us at [email protected] or call us at 1-800-462-4629.